Sunday, April 14, 2013

Great Magician of world


There are many magician of world and P C sorcar is a great of world for his art. I think he is  prince of magic though I have not seen of his magic show on stage but I have hearted from many people in my country so I can say  he is great Artist of magic. P C Sorcar was born on February 23, 1913  in Tangail in Mymensing which now lies in Bangladesh. His village name is Asekpure and his real name is Protul Chandra Sorcar. P C Sorcar’s father is a farmers and his name is Bhagawan Chandra Sorcar and mother, Kusum Kamini. Sorcar has died of a heart attack  on January 6, 197 in Japan and at that time he was 58 years old. At the time he lives in Calcutta in India and he was citizen in India. Now Sorcar’s son PRODIP CHANDRA SORCAR  is going with magic and he is a Popular artist of magic world. Prodip Chandra Sorcar is familiar with Magician P C Sorcar junior.

Famous Magician of world:
 If I want to say about famous magician of world so it will be a large article so I’ll say only great artist of world.
1)      David Copperfield
2)      Harry Houdini
3)      Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin
      4)   David Blaine
      5)   Doug Henning
      6)   Penn and Teller
      7)  Criss Angel
      8)  Franz Harare
      9) Harry Blackstone, Sr
    10)  K Lal

And there are more unknown magician of world and you can know by online.

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