Friday, May 3, 2013

Magician Petey Nguyen Come back to street magic

street magic
Street magician Nguyen back to work again and he is performing in verities city  of  Vietnamese. Nguyen  has seen a card tricks on a website and  he has decided to learn magic tricks so he joint a magic club then he start to learn magic tricks and shear every think with his friends. Petey said that Magic is so interesting to me because it provides fulfillment, which is challenging to find in such a effective world, to the audience. He has jointed many magic show of world like as  the Brisbane Ekka in Australia, Muay Thai Kickboxing in Thailand and Magic Castle in Los Angeles. After traveling to Vietnamese for several time he  decided to stay in Vietnamese and become a street magician. Street magic is a very new type of efficiency to Vietnamese locals. Petey Nguyen was born in Australia but Now he lives in Vietnamese and his profession is street magic.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Edinburgh has announced annual festival of 2013

magic festival
Edinburgh has announced annual convention of 2013. It will be held  from 28 June  to 5 July 2013, audience and magician of world are invited  to this festival so if you are a magician or audience so you can join this festival. The Edinburgh is a Organizer of international magic festival and they arrange annual magic festival for each years. They will focuses purely on magical performances and events for the general publics. If you want to more know about it please clickhere